Saturday, January 3, 2009

the artist...

It doesn't take long for disaster to strike when an unaccompanied toddler meets up with a permanent marker. I realised this on Tuesday the 23rd December when I left my angel child to play by himself for all of 30 seconds while I quickly sent an email. This is what I found when I came out into the hallway...
If you happen to stop by before we get it off (which I think will only be when we re-paint), then you won't miss it- Lachlan managed to choose the wall you first see when you come in the front door. I told the budding artist he might as well stand next to his artwork seeing as though the damage had already been done (Sorry it's a bit dark).

The following day Lachlan proceeded to add to my pre-Christmas stress by sticking 2 sultanas up his nose. After a quick dash to our local Doctor, we were all in happier spirits again...

What would I do without my son Lachlan? Crazy as it seems, I really cherish these experiences. He won't be my adventurous 20 month old forever- time is so fleeting that I have learnt to find joy in my daily journey through life. When he is all grown up, with children of his own, I will have all of these memories to savour.

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