I am now down to my final days before our baby arrives. At my recent Hospital appointment on Tuesday (28th April), the Doctor booked me in to be induced tomorrow- Friday 1st May. He was fairly confident that I would go into labour naturally before then as I was already 3cms dilated, but I think the baby has since developed stage freight and decided to stay where it is nice and cozy. The reason for the induction is that it seems I have developed Cholestasis again- the same condition I had with Lachlan which saw me induced at 37 weeks with him. This time around I have at least gone further in the pregnancy and tomorrow I will have reached 39 weeks.
With that in mind, we wanted to take some 'family' photo's as a memory of our last day before the exciting arrival of baby number 2.
I am feeling so many things right now, from elation (that I get to meet baby sooner than expected), to terror (remembering what really is involved in getting a baby from "in there" to "out here"), to anxiety (what happens if they don't end up inducing me and I am all preped and ready), to delight and happiness.
Wish me luck as I await the arrival of this precious child we are all eagerly awaiting.