Tuesday, September 2, 2008

my husband, the genius...

I didn't get around to doing the vacuuming today, so I asked John to help out and do this for me when he got home from work. He really hates doing it as he has to hunch over and gets a sore back, so he put off doing it until this evening. As I was getting Lachlan ready for bed, this is what I saw as I came into the lounge room...
John was chuffed with his genius idea of vacuuming whilst sitting on a swivel chair. I have seen it all now. For the rest of the evening, I have been listening to him plan how he could design it to be more ergonomic and efficient, and even wants to patent his new idea! So, in the interest of my husbands dreams, please don't steal his fabulous new invention- after all, he is the real genius...

1 comment:

NicholegCrosbie said...

what a crack up...trust John!